Human Sciences
Perceptions are a very powerful influence on observation and gathering data. If researchers don't stay objective, they can fall for a psychological social construct called 'conformation bias'. This occurs when a researcher only acknowledges facts and information that conform with their prediction. This skews observation from reality and results in inaccurate data
Human sciences show us that emotion is a result of a large variety of factors. When linking this to the levels of understanding in psychology, we know that human behavior is a result of biology, society and cognition. Occasionally there are abnormal factors which are unexplored but the majority falls into these 3 categories. Each one provides a different perspective and allows for the creation of a larger picture.
Language is a very important factor of communication. Even in the animal kingdom we can observe how certain creatures communicate with each other in order to get what they want. We can also observe that some are better at this than others. This is often due to an evolutionary straight which we can perceive as charisma. Charisma is many things but it is often the use of language which is appealing to others. Obviously, if a person with this lingual mastery enters a poll (where people will vote based on who they prefer) being a great orator will give them a significant advantage.
The logic of scientific discovery is that we research and obtain information in the hopes of incorporating it into technology. This technology is used to increase the standard of living for humans and make life more comfortable and interesting. Of course it is also done to satisfy a natural curiosity or levels of military power. In short, logic and research are tools in which we can systematically satisfy our irrational urges and desires.
human behavior is the result of trillions of unaccounted biological and environmental factors to such a complexity that we need grouping methods to limit the factors of calculation. As a species, we have not been able to identify ever one of these factors which leaves us with to many placeholders in a massive equation. Until these placeholders have been replaced with values, we are unable to calculate human behavior purely mathematically.
I have already established that reason is the tool of often irrational behavior. Religion is the product of superstition and fear but also of human hopes and aspirations. These have served as motivators since the beginning of human though and conception. Many famous scientists have religious backgrounds but this may simply be due to association. However, we must also consider all the limitations that religion has imposed on scientific discovery, which makes it difficult to praise it.
Natural Sciences:
Human sciences are much more complex than natural sciences because of their higher level orders of operation. Gravity is a law of physics and is easy to explain and calculate. The relation between atoms is chemistry which has its own rules and calculations that are based on pre-conceptualized physical knowledge. The growth of cells is part of biology which is based upon both chemistry and physics while the study of the brain is based upon neurology, biology, chemistry and physics. This level of intricacy is what differentiates it but it is still based on the same principles.
Morality and their responsibilities are a product of empathetic human thought (one of the most complex neurological processes). Since humans have both designed these concepts and accepted them socially, the only ones who can place value on it are humans themselves. Therefore, if humans chose to abide to these rules it is not only their responsibility, but literally they are the only ones who can uphold moral responsibility.
The Arts:
Knowledge gained from human sciences is concrete and absolute (implying that it is done correctly). It usually breaks behavior into all of its basic components which allow us to see exactly what, how and why something is happening. However, due to technological and conceptual limitations, we can not currently achieve the knowledge of complex thought and emotion. Currently, only the human arts and literature (areas where the mind has full creative freedom without scientific restrictions) can provide us with the level of insight into our psyche which allow us to witness and understand the complexity of what it is to be human.
It is fundamental that scientists know the history of their subject because of the building block effect. In order to increase our levels and complexity of research and understanding, we must be able to rely and trust on pre-conceptualized knowledge. Only by using previous research as building blocks, are we able to exponentially increase our levels of technology and scientific understanding which can propel us into a highly sophisticated future as quickly as possible. Therefore, history and other past learning experiences are vital for us to enhance our knowledge